Once An Alto, Now A Tenor

By Phoenix Lambert, Spectrum Singers member and Spirit Committee Chair
In July of 2018, I was two months into the medical transition from female to male. I was struggling with my identity and the daily changes to my body and mind. One of those changes was my voice dropping.
Although most trans guys I talked to were ecstatic about the slightest cracking of their voices, for me, it brought fear and sadness. My vocal changes played havoc on my most intimate talent, my singing voice. Although I wasn’t a professional vocal artist, I had been singing in choir since I was very young and had a powerful alto voice. It was during this awkward phase of life that I happened upon a Facebook post in a local LGBTQ group asking about interest in starting a choir for the queer community. Without really any diversity choir in Spokane at that time, there was quite an outpouring of interest.
I showed up at that initial meeting, unsure of what to expect. About 20 people from the community showed up for that first meeting. Even then, with only 20 people, I thought we were a diverse group. Less than two years later, we are about 80 strong and from all walks of life, circumstances, ages, races, genders, religions and sexual identities. This group has become an extended family for me. They never once mentioned the squeaking and cracking of my ever-changing voice. Singing with that family taught me what was once an alto voice I was very proud of became a tenor one of equal beauty. I am grateful for what is now Spectrum Singers. I have received so much love and encouragement, giving me more than just a place to express my art but also helping me discover myself and strengthen my identity as a man.

Learn more about Spectrum Singers:
Check out our upcoming performances: https://spokanespectrumsingers.com/performances/
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