Meet Our Sponsor: Odyssey Youth Movement!
We can’t thank Odyssey for being the presenting sponsor for A Path to Each Other. You’ve probably already heard of Odyssey, but, if you haven’t OYM is a youth-led, adult-supported organization committed to creating, sustaining, and advocating for affirming LGBTQ youth communities.

Odyssey does a lot in our community (learn more on their website) like offer resources, hold events year-round, and provide a space for youth drop-in hours: all programs designed to improve the lives of LGBTQ youth and young adults in the Inland Northwest.
OYM is partnering with Spectrum Singers for this concert partially because we share the same goals when it comes to community health. Spectrum Singers is only able to be back and singing together in person because of vaccinations against COVID-19 (all of our singers are vaccinated). Teaming up to help OYM spread the word about how we can help keep each other safe through vaccinations was a no-brainer.

So thank you to Odyssey Youth Movement for supporting us and for supporting community health and LGTBQ youth in the Inland Northwest.
And get vaccinated!