Meet Our Board President

Bobby Kizer founded Spectrum Singers about one year ago and has been serving as our president ever since. Here’s more about them:
Age: 37
Pronouns: They/them
Vocal Part: Tenor
How long have you been singing?
About 15 years. I sang from 6th grade until I graduated high school, and a little bit into young adulthood. I never had professional training, but I just loved to sing with my school and community choirs. Then I started a family and didn’t have the time to sing in a group setting for many years while parenting young kids. As they eventually got older and needed less attention, I started singing in an organized choir again 4 years ago.
What made you want to join Spectrum Singers?
I joined Spectrum Singers because I wanted a place to sing together with people who I could trust, who would have warm, open hearts, and who would accept me for who I am.
I love singing with other people. This might sound silly, but singing with other people gives me lots of warm fuzzies inside and is an important part of my happiness. Also, I wanted a community that would accept my identity, where I could express my gender identity and sexuality and not have to worry about being judged. I also wanted to be part of a choir that was dedicated to making a more systemic difference by being involved in community outreach and social justice causes. I knew that I would find this kind of welcome and active community in Spectrum Singers.
What do you hope for the choir in the future?
First and foremost, I hope we will keep doing what we are doing: performing fantastic concerts, supporting one another, and doing a lot of community outreach.
In addition to that, I hope that we become more popular and visible in the broader Spokane and Inland Northwest area. I want to see Spectrum Singers become a beacon of hope for all of the Inland Northwest to show that we can truly be a diverse, inclusive and supportive region. I hope that in the next few years, we can travel to more rural areas of eastern Washington and on into Idaho and beyond. I also hope that we can expand our youth programming, such as having a weekend or summer camp that is dedicated to celebrating an inclusive attitude in our youth through song. Lastly, I hope that we will grow in our volunteer activities to help other social justice and service organizations in the area, spreading our mission to all underrepresented populations.
Why did you want to join the board of Spectrum Singers?
I have had a passion for social justice for many years and have dedicated much of my life to trying to make systemic changes for people in underserved populations. Being gender non-binary and bisexual, I have experienced discrimination because of my identity and I want the world to be a better place for people in all minority populations.
Having some experience in a similar choir that I was part of and having some leadership skills as a psychologist and educator, I wanted to share some of my experience and passion to help turn the dream of Spectrum Singers into a reality. I wanted to help ensure that it wasn’t going to be just a short-term activity, but would instead become a sustainable, vibrant, growing organization that would enrich its members and the community for many years. It was very important to me that we grow based on the needs of the community and that we remain driven by our mission of true inclusivity and equality that will make a difference in the community.
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